Elevating Careers with Hospitality Internship and Management Training!

Elevating Careers with Hospitality Internship and Management Training!

Experience is one of the crucial aspects needed for those who just entered the workforce! This is why many companies offer internships and management training that provide real work experiences – and hotels and resorts in the hospitality industry are no exception.

To hospitality students and graduates, internships and management training are more than just stepping stones to gain skills, knowledge, and working experience; both are also beneficial ways to fast-track these talents’ careers in the hospitality industry!

Today’s digest will delve into the world of hospitality internships and management training; starting from the definitions, characteristics, benefits, successful tips to get hired in one, and even websites that you can surf to find suitable internship or management training opportunities for you!

About Internship and Management Training in the Hospitality Industry

hospitality management training hospitality internshipAbout hospitality internship and management training.

We’ve heard about internships and management training, but what do they mean in the hospitality industry? Let’s start with the basics: the definitions.

As derived from UMBC, an internship is a professional learning experience involving practical work that is related to a student’s field of study or career interest. It provides students with the opportunity to gain new skills and advance their careers.

Meanwhile, management training is defined as a designed work training program that prepares an individual to become a future leader or manager by focusing on improving one’s skills and knowledge in management, leadership, and business areas.

Hospitality internship and management trainingHospitality internship and management training differences.

In general, both internships and management training in the hospitality industry share a common ground: they are programs that offer participants a hands-on working experience in the hospitality field to gain professional and career development. However, there are also certain features that differentiate between the two programs, which you can learn more about below:

Characteristics of Hospitality Internship

  • Usually last from 4 to 12 months in duration;
  • Open to both hospitality students and fresh graduates;
  • Most hospitality internships may grant full-time employee benefits;
  • Participants may receive stipends, the amount depends on the employer;
  • There are available opportunities for participants to be recruited as full-time hotel/resort employees.

Characteristics of Hospitality Management Training

  • The duration can last from 6 to 24 months;
  • Only eligible for fresh graduates or degree holders;
  • Participants are usually entitled to full-time employee benefits;
  • Management trainees have a fixed salary, the amount of which depends on the employer;
  • After a specific period upon program completion, most management trainees are guaranteed a management position.

Aside from the differences, hospitality internships and management training have various benefits that one can harness to begin or advance their hospitality career. So, what are these benefits? Jump to the next section to see the details!

Benefits of Hospitality Internship and Management Training

internship benefitBenefits of hospitality internship and management training.

It’s obvious that hospitality internships and management training are popular due to their benefits, and this section is here to spill all the details! Here are some advantages of joining hospitality internships and management training for participants:

  • Enhancing skills: There are many skills that will benefit you as a hospitality worker, all of which you can gain and hone through a hospitality internship or management training!
  • Building connections: The hospitality industry is diverse, and being a part of it means you will get to meet people from various backgrounds and work or learn from them.
  • Improving CV or resume: Your CV or resume is one of the crucial aspects that recruiters look at. Listing your experience and contributions as a hospitality intern or trainee will surely make you appear more competent to recruiters.
  • Understanding job roles: Being a hospitality intern or trainee provides you with hands-on working experience in a real hotel or resort environment, which gives you a deeper understanding of your role.
  • Determining future careers: Sometimes, we might find ourselves unsure of which career path to choose. Joining a hospitality internship or management training program help you determine your future career, as both programs allow you to experience working in specific positions so that you can find out for yourself whether or not you are a fit!

One thing to keep in mind is that the competition to get hired as a hospitality intern or trainee is tough! That’s why getting yourself prepared is a must. What should you do, though? Well, you just have to scroll to the next line to see the successful tips to land a hospitality internship or management training!

Successful Tips to Land a Hospitality Internship or Management Training

While internships and management training are meant to train participants in a real work environment, it doesn’t mean the interview is a piece of cake – in fact, it can be challenging sometimes! Worry not, because we have already compiled some successful tips to obtain your hospitality internship or management training!

1. Hone Interpersonal Skills

interpersonal skills communicationHone your interpersonal skills.

The first and foremost step to take before applying to your targeted hospitality internship or management training is honing your interpersonal skills! This skill set is essential for working in the hospitality industry, where you will meet and interact with colleagues and customers of various types.

2. Learn Foreign Languages

learn foreign languageLearn foreign languages.

Hospitality is a field where people from different backgrounds gather. Hence, it is advised for you to learn as many foreign languages as possible. This helps strengthen your qualifications as an intern or trainee, as well as broaden your horizons and help you adapt to the international work environment of hotels and resorts!

3. Don’t Apply Randomly

apply jobsOnly apply to internship or management training that suits your qualifications.

Never apply to any internship or management training at random! Before you decide to apply, make sure that the internship or management training program matches your qualifications. Don’t forget to consider other aspects as well, such as the work location, program benefits, and the hiring process.

4. Research the Employer

employer research backgroundDo a research on your potential employer.

It’s important for you to do a thorough research about the hotel or resort you are applying to. Taking this step will help you to learn more about the nature of the employer, and also prepare you to respond seamlessly to company-related questions during the internship or management training interview.

5. It’s Practice Time!

mock interview practiceInterview practice with your friends or family.

Last but not least, practice before your actual internship or management training interview! Begin by listing potential interview questions and practicing your answers through mock interviews with friends or family members. You will find yourself more confident on your designated interview day!

Recommended Hospitality Job Boards

best hospitality job websiteRecommended hospitality job portals.

If you are still an enrolled student, you can easily find internship or management training opportunities in your campus career portal. Apart from that, you can also surf the internet and visit this list of hospitality job websites to find your dream internship or management training!

Wrapping Up

Internships and management training are ideal paths to take for anyone who aims to kickstart or enhance their hospitality career! Both programs are designed for the participants to learn new skills and knowledge through practical work in a real hotel or resort environment.

The fact that hospitality internships and management training offer a variety of benefits that one can harness makes the competition to land one of them tough. Hence, if you are planning to pursue a hospitality internship or management training program, do prepare yourself to increase your chance of getting hired!

Apart from trying successful tips, there is another worthy option you ought to try: entrusting your dream internship or management training with RMC Asia! Our professional team not only will help you with your resume, cover letter, or interview with hiring hotels and resorts – our support continues even until you are hired and finish your internship or management training period!

Moreover, our wide range of prestigious host organization partners across Asia will give you exceptional and unparalleled hospitality internship and management training experiences that prepare you to be a valuable asset in the hospitality industry.

Don’t wait; join our successful participants now!

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Alya Miranti Azzahra

Alya Miranti Azzahra

Alya is currently on a mission with RMC Asia as a Content Marketing. Her mission includes writing captivating content for blog, LinkedIn, and social media audiences. She's also a freelance translator & proofreader and is continuing her study in Communication.
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