
Cultural Exchange Programs in Asia!


Our Cultural Exchange Programs serve as the key that unlocks access to the dynamic international hospitality industry. They provide participants with hands-on working experience alongside world-class professionals, opportunities for cultural exchanges that broaden horizons, and a chance to explore the beauty of Asia’s destinations at the same time — all of which are found in exciting internships and management training within our Cultural Exchange Programs!

Work & Travel Asia

Designed for students who wish to broaden their experiences or gain academic credits in a new cultural setting across Asia. No previous work experience or hospitality background is required!

Hospitality & Business Internship

A practical internship program for students or recent graduates who need real work experience to enter the global workforce, with various internship positions in front-office and back-office!

Management Training Program

A work-based career development training program, designed for individuals with prior work experience and focused on associate-level positions as management trainees!

Exciting Opportunities

The internship and management training opportunities in our Cultural Exchange Programs encompass a wide variety of exciting roles. They are arranged with international hospitality brands, starting from prestigious hotels, luxury resorts, to fine dining restaurants!


It is our duty to provide you with the best experience with our Cultural Exchange Programs, and we aim to achieve this goal through our professional services, which include but are not limited to:

  • Individual support through the application process
  • Host organization and full program details vetting
  • Placement process at the designated host organization
  • Visa assistance, health, travel, accident, or liability insurance support
  • Pre-departure orientation
  • In-country support and services


Project Start
Applications should be started 4 to 6 months prior to the desired program intake.
Virtual eligibility assessment interview with RMC Asia.
Agreement acknowledgment, registration fee payment, and preparation of your professional resume.
Hiring interviews with HR team at host organizations.
Program Confirmation
Internship or management training program offers are shared with applicants for their consideration.
Visa Preparation
RMC Asia collaborates with relevant parties to prepare the participant’s visa application.
Preparation of valid international travel insurance before participant's depart to the destination.
Arrival Coordination
Coordination with the participant and the host organization for a smooth arrival at the destination.
In-country Support
RMC Asia team remains in contact with the participant and the host organization for the entire duration of the program.
Enjoy Your Experience
Learn from and work with experts, experience cultural exchanges, and explore Asia with our Cultural Exchange Programs!


Our Cultural Exchange Programs are temporary in nature and not intended for permanent employment. Everything about our programs, such as working hours or program benefits, may vary according to the host organization’s policy. However, please don’t hesitate to ask us questions so that we can meet your expectations and avoid any misunderstandings!

How To Get Hired

The hospitality industry is one of the most coveted sectors for job seekers. If you are planning to become a valuable asset in the hospitality field and reach the top, these tips can help you get hired by prestigious hotels or resorts!

Having a relevant educational background in line with your desired roles can increase your chances of being considered as a shortlisted candidate!

Your internship or work experience in the related field will be an advantage, as recruiters tend to hire those with proven experience.

English is the universal language for communication in the hospitality industry. However, having a fluency in other foreign languages will make you stand out more, as hospitality is full of diversity!

Believe in your capabilities for the role you applied for, and embrace any opportunity that comes to you with open arms!

Showcase your skills and knowledge through a professional resume, a motivation statement, and a proper self-introduction video!

Online Hiring interview

It is always important to understand your future company and your responsibilities as an intern or trainee, so make sure to do your research about them thoroughly!

Introduce yourself to the recruiter in a professional and polite manner.

Use the hiring interview session as the opportunity to get as much information as you need to know about the program placement, the company, the job roles, and the program destination.

Dress properly, have your resume in place, and make sure your computer or phone is ready to be used for the virtual hiring interview. Don’t forget to wear your best smile!

Reach out to us
You can take notes during the interview and get back to us with any further questions!


Keep a positive attitude

Act professionally in your internship or management training

Be open-minded and friendly to all

Always be on time and work towards getting great results for your host organization

Follow the regulations, code of conduct, and work schedule of your host organization

Start YOUR
application HERE

Submit an application by sending your resume & motivation statement.
happy applicants of hospitality internship
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